Nope, didn't help. Any other thoughts?

On Mar 27, 3:07 am, James <> wrote:
> Try changing:
> var toLoad = $(this).attr('href')+' #content-wrapper';
> To:
> var toLoad = $(this).attr('href')+'#content-wrapper';
> (remove the space before #)
> On Mar 26, 2:42 am, derrickkwa <>
> wrote:
> > hi...
> > i'm trying to code a site, you can see it 
> > at
> > so far, i've only implemented the first link in the navigation menu
> > (work -> equipment), and clicking on the logo brings it back to the
> > home page.
> > here's my question, though. it works perfectly fine in firefox, the
> > remote div content is loaded perfectly, and the content container
> > animates accordingly. in ie 7, however, it seems as if the div content
> > for the "equipment" page is not being loaded, and it's only showing
> > the background image for that page.
> > any thoughts on why that is - and how i can fix it?
> > the code i'm using for the navigation menu is this:
> > $(".sub-nav").children("li").children("a").click(
> > function(event){
> > //set current block
> > currentblock = $(this).parent("li").parent("ul").parent("li").attr
> > ('id');
> > //set current link and bold it
> > if (currentlink != '') {
> > currentlink = this;}
> > else {
> > $(currentlink).css('color','#666666').css('font-weight', 'normal'); //
> > set old link back to normal
> > currentlink = this;
> > $(currentlink).css('color','#000000').css('font-weight', 'bold'); //
> > set current link  to hold
> > }
> > var toLoad = $(this).attr('href')+' #content-wrapper';
> > $('#content-wrapper').slideUp('Normal',loadContent);
> > $('#load').remove();
> > $('#page-container').append('<span id="load">LOADING...</span>');
> > $('#load').fadeIn('normal');
> > var pagename=$(this).attr('href').substr(0,$(this).attr
> > ('href').length-5);
> > window.location.hash = pagename;
> > function loadContent() {
> > alert(toLoad);
> > $('#content-wrapper').load(toLoad,'',showNewContent());
> > }
> > function showNewContent() {
> > backgroundurl = 'url(images/backgrounds/'+pagename+'.jpg)';
> > $('#content-wrapper').slideDown('normal',hideLoader());
> > $('#content-wrapper').css('background-image',backgroundurl);
> > }
> > function hideLoader() {
> > $('#load').fadeOut('normal');}
> > return false;
> > });
> > thanks,
> >derrick

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