Adding the expr just filters the matched elements further. Try .nextAll

On Mar 29, 2:42 am, Dunc <> wrote:
> I'm building cascading selects, but because they could come from
> mulitple locations within the HTML, I need to capture the ID of the
> parent select (easy enough) and the child select.
> This correctly displays the parent select:
> var ddlSource =;
> alert(ddlSource);
> This enumerates all siblings, including the child select:
> var x = $("#" +;
> alert (x.length);
> for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
>    alert(x[i].id);
> }
> However, I cannot manage to display the next select within the same
> <td> using the next(expr) statement.  My code has changed a thousand
> times, but currently looks like:
> Doesn't work:
> var ddlTarget = $("#" +'select');
> alert(;
> The HTML is really simple:
> <table class="form">
>    <tr>
>       <td class="label" width="200">Category*</td>
>       <td>
>          <select name="ctl00$cphMain$repSkills
> $ctl00$ddlSkillCategory_ID"
> id="ctl00_cphMain_repSkills_ctl00_ddlSkillCategory_ID"
> class="SkillCategory">
>         <option value="-1">Skill or Service</option>
>         <option value="150">--Other</option>
>       </select>
>       <span id="ctl00_cphMain_repSkills_ctl00_spanSkillError"
> style="display:none;"></span>
>       <br />
>       <select name="ctl00$cphMain$repSkills
> $ctl00$ddlSkillSubCategory_ID"
> id="ctl00_cphMain_repSkills_ctl00_ddlSkillSubCategory_ID"
> style="display:none;">
>       </select>
>       <span id="ctl00_cphMain_repSkills_ctl00_spanSubSkillError"
> style="display:none;"></span>
>    </td>
> </tr>
> </table>
> Why does the siblings()[4] return my child dropdown, whereas next
> ('select') doesn't?  I'm aware that next only gets the very next item,
> but according to the docs adding an expression should make it jump to
> the next sibling of that type.
> Note, I've also tried logic down the route of:
> alert($(this).siblings('~ select').id);
> ...but with no luck
> I'm sure this is just me missing something really simple, but can
> someone please steer me down the right path?

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