I'm having this exact same issue.  Did you ever get it resolved?


On Mar 23, 2:13 pm, zephyr <marc.at.comp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I make Ajax ($.get) calls and in the calback part I call a function
> defined elsewhere. In FireFox this is no problem. When I checked in IE
> however I kept getting an error 'object expected'. It took a while to
> figure out that if I remove the _call_ to the function with the actual
> function body (the code defined in the function handler) the problem
> disappeared and IE does not complain.. So instead of this:
> $(document).ready(function(){
>        $('#login').click(function(){
>        $.get(
>                "/?event=cms.showlogin",
>                function(res){
>                        removeLoginWindow();
>                        addStyleSheet('/cms/css/cms.css')
>                        $(document.body).append(res);
>                        $('#closeButton').click(function()
> {removeLoginWindow()})
>                        $('#closeButton').css('cursor','pointer')
>                        $('.loginWindow').draggable()
>                        $("#loginWindow input:text[name='username']")
> [0].focus()
>                },
>                "html"
>        )
>        showLoginWindow()
>        });
> })
> I need top switch the calls to removeLoginWindow() and addStyleSheet
> ('/
> cms/css/cms.css') with the actual code of these functions.
> Is there no workaround for this or am I doing somehting wrong?
> jquery-1.3.2.min.js
> IE 7.0
> FF 3.07
> Win XP sp2
> Thanks,
> Marc

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