Well, without being able to see the form in question - does your page
validate? If everything is going into a single input that sounds like
a problem with malformed HTML markup.


2009/3/30 Kathryn <kathry...@gmail.com>:
> I'm working on a web form and had to upgrade to 1.3.2 tonight to solve
> some problems. Unfortunately, I now have a much worse problem. Not by
> my choice, I have to use ASP. With the lower version of jQuery, the
> form was working fine and I could process it as usual...e.g.,
> <input name = "dept">
> <input name = "employee">
> etc. (There are around 40 fields on this form)
> ASP:
> dim dept, employee
> dept = request.form("dept")
> employee = request.form("employee")
> etc.
> However, since upgrading, when I submit the form and response.write
> the results on the ASP page, the contents of ALL form fields are
> contained in the dept variable and all the other variables are empty.
> I know it's not a problem with the ASP code, because it was working
> immediately before the upgrade and I haven't changed it.
> Has anyone else had this happen, and if so, what did you do about it?
> Thanks in advance,
> Kathryn

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