
If someone has an answer to this problem I would be very glad to get
some input.
I'm out of clues on how to solve this my self.

Thanks in advance,

On 24 Mar, 13:55, chrsan <chr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> We've just started to use jQuery in a project where we use it to load
> an external plugin based on what kind of browser the user is on. When
> loading the plugin we insert <object>-tags via JavaScript etc.
> Everything is working as expected regarding the loading and usage of
> the plugin except for one small thing. In Chrome, Safari and IE the
> page content is displayed before the plugin dialog is popped up (it's
> a plugin used to authenticate), but in Firefox the page content is
> displayed after the user has pressed submit or cancel in the plugin
> dialog.
> Maybe this has something to do with the behaviour regarding to when
> the DOM is ready or not. I've searched this mailing list and the
> internet and tried a couple of solutions. Putting the <script>-tag
> that loads our JavaScript at the bottom of the page, changed $
> (document).ready() to jQuery(function() {} etc. None of those
> solutions seem to work.
> Does anyone have a clue how to solve this? It would be much
> appreciated!
> Tanks,
> Christer

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