Apologies to Rob (I had only tried his 'add the id attribute to
the select tag' suggestion), I now find that if I write p_viewSelector=
$("select[name='dllViewSelector'] option:selected").text(); it works
fine. Thanks Rob (and also Ricardo).

On Mar 31, 3:53 pm, Ricardo <ricardob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The val() method returns the selected option for the element:
> $('[name=dllViewSelector]').val()
> 'selectedIndex' is a property of the <select> node. When you call $
> ('#dllViewSelector') (ignoring the fact that this selector is wrong)
> you get a jQuery object with a reference to the element, not the
> element itself. You can access it like in an array:
> $("#dllViewSelector")[0].selectedIndex;
> On Mar 31, 7:51 am, LinkGuru <i...@legalanalytics.co.uk> wrote:
> > Hi, Can anyone help with the following? With JQuery, I can't
> > successfully grab the selected value from a drop-down. The alert just
> > shows an empty message. At least it is not showing undefined (as it
> > was for my other attempts - you can see what these were from the
> > commented out code), but I would expect it to display one of the
> > values One-way, Reciprocal or Other. Perhaps I have to do some
> > conversion on the result. Your contributions to this post will be
> > greatly appreciated.
> > In my HTML I have:
> > <select name="dllViewSelector"
> >                             onchange="showSelectedView(this, allViews, 
> > allSections,4,10)">
> >             <option id="oneway_4" value="one" selected="selected">One-
> > way</option>
> >             <option id="recip_4" value="two">Reciprocal</option>
> >             <option id="other_4" value="three">Other</option>
> >                     </select>
> > .
> > .
> > .
> > <span id="Add_0" class="actionOptAdd"> <input type="button"
> > name="btnOk_AddToProject_0" class="button-click-grey" value="Add to
> > Project" /></span>
> > .
> > .
> > .
> > And in my JQuery I have ....
> >                 $(".actionOptAdd").bind("click",
> >                         function()
> >                         {
> >                                 p_viewSelector=$("#dllViewSelector 
> > option:selected").text();
> >                                 alert(p_viewSelector);
> > // Also get blank message for:
> > //                              p_viewSelector=$("#dllViewSelector 
> > option:selected",this).text
> > ();
> > // (Also tried - getting undefined as a result)
> > //                              
> > p_viewSelector=$("#dllViewSelector").selectedIndex;
> > //                              
> > p_viewSelector=$("#dllViewSelector").attr("selectedIndex");

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