Right, but the problems with that approach is inefficiency. It's more
efficient to grab the entire set of elements via $('.event-phase') and
comparing their "rel" attribute than it is to throw a loop around $
('.event-phase-' + i);

I use ref/rel for the same basic semantic ideas behind their ascribed
meaning. In implementations of code I've done, I try and use "ref" for
any situation where the element is referencing an action or event
which the element is a target of, and rel for situations where the
element is referencing a target action or event. I think one of the
larger problems here is attempting to, efficiently, get enhanced
functionality out of XHTML, which is still very basic when it comes to
element properties and relationships of dom elements.

It's a shame there isn't a slushy attribute to utilize for storing
information that has nothing to do with markup or presentation, but
rather a strong binding to javascript. Classes do a decent job for
identification, but there's no real good element attribute to use for
configurations of elements. Perhaps sometime in the future there will
be a configuration attribute we can use for this sort of affair that
will bring both optimized functionality and strictly valid code.

On Mar 31, 4:13 pm, "Mauricio \(Maujor\) Samy Silva"
<css.mau...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >Is there any major problems you're aware of with this kind of dom
> >pollution that have a negative impact on ease or performance?
> My thoughts:
> Firstly: Validate!
> But I think that negative impact on whatever isn't the point.
> Suppose:
> Option 1 - <font size="7"><b>Heading level 1</font></b>
> Option 2 - <h1>Heading level 1</h1>
> What option should we use?
> So, the point goes beyond validation: It's a semantic issue too.
> Specs says:http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/struct/links.html#adef-rel
> rel attribute: "This attribute describes the relationship from the current
> document to the anchor specified by the href attribute"
> and says more:http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/index/attributes.html
> rel attribute is allowed for A and LINK elements only
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ><div class="event-phase" rel="1"></div>
> > <div class="event-phase" rel="2"></div>
> > <div class="event-phase" rel="3"></div>
> > Instead of
> > <div id="event-phase-1"></div>
> > <div id="event-phase-2"></div>
> > <div id="event-phase-3"></div>
> I think that 2nd approach is better not only because  validades but it is a
> easy way to target each element using a counter in the loop.
> Something like:
> $('.event-phase-' + i)
> PS: If you have control over the id name use a shorter one like: evph1,
> evph2 etc...
> Regards
> Maurício
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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