Set and Get the fontSize from the body not the html.

Ex: var currentSize = $("body").css("font-size");

I change your code and works fine if you use the body instead of html to set
and get the size:

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 10:20, Dan Vega <> wrote:

> I am using the following code to allow the user to increase / decrease
> the font size  of the document. I have tested it in many browsers and
> in all of the following it comes back with a starting font size of
> 16px.
> Firefox 3.0.8
> Google Chrome 1.0.1
> Safari Win 4 Public Beta
> In IE 6/7 the font size is always coming back 1243px. Why is there
> such a difference and is there anyway to get around this besides hard
> coding the starting size?
> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
> $(document).ready(function(){
>        var originalFontSize = getFontSize();
>        $(".resetFont").click(function(){
>                setFontSize(originalFontSize);
>                $("#changeFont").fadeToggle("fast");
>                return false;
>        });
>        $(".increaseFont").click(function(){
>                var fontSize = getFontSize();
>                var newFontSize = fontSize + 1;
>                setFontSize(newFontSize);
>                return false;
>        });
>        $(".decreaseFont").click(function(){
>                var fontSize = getFontSize();
>                var newFontSize = fontSize - 1;
>                setFontSize(newFontSize);
>                return false;
>        });
> });
> function getFontSize() {
>        var currentSize = $("html").css("font-size");
>        var currentSizeNumber = parseFloat(currentSize, 12);
>        if(currentSizeNumber > 20) {
>                currentSizeNumber = 20;
>        }
>        return currentSizeNumber;
> }
> function setFontSize(size) {
>        $("html").css("font-size", size);
> }
> </script>

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