There's a plugin called hoverIntent that deals with this exact issue:

- ricardo

On Apr 2, 9:59 am, wjp <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have something like:
> $('#myDiv').bind("mouseleave",function() {
>     $('#myDiv).slideUp(450);
> })
> Essentialy I have a give that appears from a click event with some
> content. When the user mouses out of the div it slides away.
> However I'd like to have some for a delay so if the users mouse
> pointer leaves the div but comes back in within 1 sec the div does not
> slide up. THis is to stop the user from accidently moving the mouse
> out whilst moved down the contents of the div.
> Any ideas on how I could do this?
> thanks
> Wayne

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