Sounds interesting, Martin.

I'd love to see some sample articles when available.



-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Martin Streicher
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 1:06 PM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Announcing a new journal for front-end developers

2 April 2009

My name is Martin Streicher. I am pleased to announce three new
publications dedicated to web developers.

Red: The Journal of Ruby Development

Facade: The Journal of Front-end Development

Tabula: The Journal of Open Source Database Development

The three publications obviously have a great number of topics in
common between then, and much that is unique. Where ever possible,
readers will benefit from the synergies and the novelties.

These journals are to be published differently than other periodicals:

1. Each journal is published as frequently as possible so material is
timely and accessible.

2. The price for each journal can therefore vary, depending on the
scope and size of an issue.

3. You will be able to purchase individual articles or an entire issue
of each journal.

4. Each author earns a royalty for the sale or his or her individual
article and the sale of an entire issue in which his or her article

5. Each author earns a royalty from the advertising bundled in each
article and issue.

6. A portion of all revenue garnered will be awarded as grants to
further the documentation of open source technologies.

7. To guarantee the highest quality technical material, peer technical
reviewers also earn a royalty on publications sold.

8. The publications will be available in PDF form and in print-on-
demand form. (Pricing is to be determined.)

9. Each author retains copyright in his or her work, but grants
exclusive, worldwide, first serial rights to the publication for a
short period of time. Each contributing author will receive an annual
subscription to the journal he or she contributes to.

10. Subscribers will have early access to all articles in

A formal author letter spelling out terms will be available shortly
but will earnestly reflect the principles above to encourage expert
contributions. Each journal will also have its own web site in the
near future.

Effective immediately, I would like to call for contributors. If you
are working in Rails, Ruby, MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, JavaScript,
CSS, ORMs, EC2, S3, CloudFront, provisioning, scaling, and high-
availability, among others, and have an interesting technique, plugin,
technology, or insight, please contact me with a proposal. I'll leave
the proposal format informal for now, but please specify why your
software or approach is novel and would be of interest to your
community and peers.

Here are some story ideas to consider: Rails 2.3 novelties; Chef;
Cucumber; Sass and HAML; MariaDB; embedded search engines; jQuery;
scaling Rails; performance optimizations; sharding; CSS frameworks;
Ruby 1.9; BDD; Ruby Cocoa; PostgreSQL goodies; deployment and
monitoring; best practices; gems; plugins; and more.

You can also feel free to send community events, such as conferences,
meet-ups, lectures, brigades, startup weekends, and hack fests. Each
journal will contain community pages so readers can connect to one

Classified and commercial advertisements are also accepted. You can
advertise your own or your company's services. Please contact me for

About me: From 2002-2007, I was the Editor-in-Chief of Linux Magazine
and am currently that publication's web development columnist. I am a
regular contributor to IBM developerWorks's Linux and Open Source
Zones, and also write that site's monthly "Speaking Unix" column. I
also contribute to Linux Pro Magazine and to Amazon's Web Services
Developer Center. I am currently a freelance Rails developer and
author -- and now publisher of these journals. I live in Raleigh, NC.
I am an avid comic reader, art collector, foodie, and music fan. I
have two teens, two dogs, and two cats.

I look forward to your questions and proposals.

You can reach me via email, phone, Twitter, and IM.

GTalk: martin.streicher
iChat and Yahoo: supergiantrobot
Skype: martin.s.streicher
Phone: 919.741.4182
Twitter: martinstreicher

My thanks for your consideration.

Martin Streicher, Principal and Publisher
The Pixel, Byte, and Comma Company
Raleigh, NC

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