
On Mar 15, 3:12 am, Foreigner <foreigne...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use jQuery to get some HTML with Javascript usingAJAX.
> My response gets inserted into the contentDiv element but my
> javascript inside the response doesn't get executed as the
> documentation says (http://docs.jquery.com/
> Specifying_the_Data_Type_for_AJAX_Requests).
> Here goes my function withAJAXcall:
> function loadHtml(obj)
> {
>         if(obj.className == "menuItem")
>         {
>                 $.ajax({
>                                  type:"GET",
>                                  url:"content/" + obj.id + ".html",
>                                  dataType: "html",
>                                  success:
>                                          function(data, status)
>                                          {
>                                                   contentDiv.innerHTML = data;
>                                          }
>                                 });
>         }
> }
> My response looks like:
> <h3>Some heading</h3>
> <script type="text/javascript">
> //Some javascript code
> </script>

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