Hi everyone,
I have a question that i cannot answer, i am using the autocompleter
plugin (http://plugins.jquery.com/project/autocompletex) for getting
some suggestions along with JQuery Keypad for a virtual keyboard
(http://keith-wood.name/keypad.html). The reason? Im developing for a
LCD Touch Screen.

The two plugins works just fine, but the problem with the autocomplete
its that you must press a key fisically on your keyboard and it doesnt
shows the suggestions or either activates the "autofill" behavior if
you only "add virtually some characters" in your input field.

So, i tried to call the function to "autocomplete" after some virtual
key is added to the input field but i dont get lucky.

i tried calling the "search" function of autocomplete with the change
        $("#searchfield").change(function() {
                alert('THE CHANGE FUNCTION IS WORKING');

And i added some test code to fill the input and see if autocomplete
<a href="#" onClick="$('#searchfield').val('Pet')">Try to find Peter

Obviously, it adds "Pet" to the "searchfield" input field, but it only
shows the suggestions if i add the "e" to "Pet" pressing fisically
that key on my keyboard.

I maybe think that the answers it's very simple, but i cant find the
"simple answer" :S

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