I tried to use the change event but it didnt work... If someone
already knows how to do this please write it!! =)

On 25 mar, 02:44, "wesley...@gmail.com" <wesley...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> i have a question,
> how to manually fire theautocompleteevent?
> <input type="text" id="acTxt" />
> <span class="pTxt">aa</span>,
> <span class="pTxt">bb</span>,
> <span class="pTxt">cc</span>,
> <span class="pTxt">dd</span> ...
> $(document).ready(function(){
>         $("#acTxt").autocomplete(theUrl, {
>                 minChars: 2,
>                 matchContains: true,
>                 max: 20
>         });
>         $(".pTxt").click(function() {
>                 $("#acTxt").val($(this).html()? $(this).html():'');
>         });
> });
> if the user click on SPAN with class 'pTxt', the innerHTML of the SPAN
> will place in the textbox,
> how to activate theautocompletewithout pressing UP, DOWN, PAGE UP,
> and ....?

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