Hi Martijn,
You would actually want to do this using CSS, not Javascript. The easiest
way to accomplish this would be to set the container div (the one you
applied the .cycle() method to) to position: relative, then absolutely
position the pager element. If you post the HTML markup you're using, I can
give you more detailed instructions.

Hope this helps!

Chuck Harmston

On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 8:57 AM, martijn397 <martijn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone!
> After using the Cycle plugin for quite some time now i was wondering
> if there is any way to get the "auto-generated pager" shown over my
> image.
> I can only see the .before and .after tags which put the pager above
> or below the image (content), but am unable to find a way to put the
> pager on top of my image (content).
> Thanks for reading,
> Martijn

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