Hi, change that block to this and give it a try:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function (){

- Jack

Kizzle wrote:
hi...sorry, but i'm still having issues with this.

i'm getting an error in javascript.

missing ( before formal parameters
[Break on this error] $(document).ready(function {\n

so i'm wondering if this is the problem. I have this code at the
beginning of the document (tried it in the head and also in the body).

 <script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function {


where is this supposed to be and is this correct?

again the link...


Thanks for your help, i really thought it was something simple here..
Kristy lee

On Apr 2, 4:02 pm, Jack Killpatrick <j...@ihwy.com> wrote:
The other day if I looked at the rendered HTML using Firebug, the span
that you were using was not being displayed (it was hidden on the page),
but I just looked again and that's not happening now. I ran it through a
validator and got a message that the id "home" is used more than once
(once in <li id="home"> and the other in <div id="home">). You might
want to fix that and see if anything changes, but I kinda doubt that's
what's causing the issue.

Hmm, I just noticed this:

<script language="javascript" src="../common/jquery-listnav.js"
<script language="javascript" src="../common/jquery.js"

Change the order of those: jquery has to be loaded before the script for
the plugin.

To make the .listNav styling in your common/style.css file get applied
to the list, also add the class to the div you made for the navigation:

<div id="myList-nav" class="listNav"/>

- Jack

Kizzle wrote:
what do you mean hidden in the html? how do you call up the function
and connect it to the list? I'm trying to understand how this works so
i can see where it is faulting. thanks for your help!
On Apr 2, 9:56 am, Kizzle <kristy...@gmail.com> wrote:
I ran it through the validator and no errors that would cause that. I
feel like I am missing something simple. anyone have any suggestions?
On Mar 26, 2:28 pm, Jack Killpatrick <j...@ihwy.com> wrote:
Something is causing your glossary-nav span to be hidden in the HTML
(and also not found by the listnav plugin). Try running the HTML through
a validator. I tried seeing what was causing the span to be hidden,
using Firebug, but didn't immediately see the cause.
- Jack kristy...@gmail.com wrote:
I'm having trouble installing this. Not quite sure why it isn't
working. Does anyone have a tutorial online on how to implement this
or could look over mine and see what i'm doing wrong? I imagine it's
something simple. thanks!
Kristy lee http://www.klcreativedesign.com/suasion/glossary

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