I'm working with a fairly complex page that is heavily controlled by
some Javascript that's external to my code. I'm trying to read the
document's title text, first trying to use straight Javascript, ie:

    var txt = document.title;

And while this works on a simple page (where the title is set by the
document's head > title tag), it doesn't work on the more complex
Javascript-controlled page. I suspect the Javascript is setting the
browser's title bar property rather than using the title tag.

So I thought I'd try using jQuery to get this, using code like this:

    var jQtxt = $('head > title:first').text();

It's trying to do the same thing as the first example, but oddly
doesn't seem to work on IE even with a simple page.

So my question boils down to:

What's the simplest rock-solid way to get the browser's titlebar text
that works in both IE and Firefox?

Appreciate any help!


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