Hmmm, what a great idea.  Not sure what I was thinking.  I will go
that route. :)

On Apr 7, 5:05 pm, James <> wrote:
> Why not just keep what you have and add an additional conditional
> check to see whether the node has an ID attribute or not? If not,
> ignore the node.
> On Apr 7, 1:59 pm, Nic Hubbard <> wrote:
> > I am grabbing some XML from our server, then writing that out with
> > <li> tags in the browser, all using the jquery .ajax() function.
> > By design, our server wraps items with a parent of the same name,
> > like:
> > <test>
> > <test id="1">test 1</test>
> > <test id="2">test 2</test>
> > </test>
> > Because my function checks for each test tag, it finds the first
> > parent, but returns undefined, since it does not have any attributes.
> > Is it possible to ignore this first result, and start with the second
> > item, which will correctly have attributes?
> > success: function(xml) {
> >                      $(xml).find('testt').each(function() {
> >                          var id_text = $(this).attr('id')
> >                          var id_name = $(this).attr('name')
> >                          $('<li></li>').html('id_code + ' - ' +
> > id_text).appendTo('#test');
> >                      });
> >                 }

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