   i'm trying to make a really basic 'tab bar' for a project.  i
looked at the stuff out there (ui tabs, and flytabs) but wanted
something simpler.  i basically need to create a bunch of horizontal
cells that can be added to, and don't need any div-switching or
anything for the content (just links).

i decided a single table with a row would work, and tried to figure
out how to add new columns/cells to the table.  i tried:

function create_table()
        $('#test').append('<table border=\'1\'><tr><td id=\'col\'>test</td></
function add()

<div id="test"></div>

it seems to sort-of work: the table is added on-the-fly correctly, but
when i try to add a column, it adds it to the same cell, or so it
seems.  and the 'col' append is going to break... what's the best way
to add a new column to the table?


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