Lwangaman wrote:

// gives "undefined"

because a tablecell usually doesn't have a "name" attribute associated with it. Remember that your "itsme" variable is a reference to a DOM element (not a jQuery element). Which explains

          var itsyou = itsme.attr("name");
// gives no results, it actually stops everything from working.

You would need itsyou = $(itsme).attr("name"); But even then, if "itsme" is a tablecell, the name attribute likely doesn't exist. Maybe try "id" instead?

          var itsyou = eccomi.find("input:checkbox");

// gives no results, it actually stops everything from working

if eccomi is a DOM element, then this would stop and likely throw an error ('find' not a property or object)... Try it as


The core issue that I can see is understanding the difference between a DOM object/element and a jQuery object. They are not the same, though they are often used in a very similar manner.



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