Thomas Creutz schrieb:
I have strange problems with IE7 (older/newer version not tested, but I think, it is also present in IE6) and some plugins, that do a appendTo().

The Webpage stops loading and I get a warning which says:

Die Internetsite kann nicht geƶffnet werden.
Vorgang abgebrochen

Translated something like:
The Website cannot be opened.
process canceled

no, the English translation is "Operation aborted"

And than I get not my Webpage displayed.. no I get a IE intern website, which tells me, that the page cannot be displayed.

I found more about this topic:

They speak on the MS KB also from innerHTML. On IE8 the Bug is gone.. so a or something else is very useful..

Firefox and all other Browsers (Opera, Safari, Chrome, IE8) which I tested yesterday had no Problem with it.


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