I swear I've seen a post asking this before, one that I even
participated in, but damned if i can find it

given this table structure

          <td>R1C1 Data</td>
          <td>R1C2 Data</td>
          <td>R1C3 Data</td> ***
          <td>R2C1 Data</td>
          <td>R2C2 Data</td>
          <td>R2C3 Data</td> ***
          <td>R3C1 Data</td>
          <td>R3C2 Data</td>
          <td>R3C3 Data</td> ***

How can i select all the last cells that I denoted by "***" ??

I am currently doing:

$("table tbody tr").each(function() {
      $(this).find("td:last").click(... my event here ....);

but is that doable without the ".each" ?

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