
I am using jCarousel 0.2.3 with jQuery 1.3.2 for displaying flickr
images and slimbox2 to show them in a lightbox.

I'm new to jQuery and I fiddled everything together from examples and
it allready works somehow but ere is my problem:

In FF most of the time only one picture is shown at the beginning.
Firebug also shows this request:
So it only wants to fetch one. Funny enough IE shows 3 images as

This is for IE and FF:
When I try to scroll I can see the next images floating through the
visible area very quickly till they are gone.
Scrolling back doesn't work at all.

It seems as if the .first and .last value is somehow wrong but I have
no clue how they are calculated.

You can see the scroller at http://almdorf-reiteralm.sandbox.khan-it.at/
The jCarousel code is here:

Maybe someone can help me out.

Thanks in advance!


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