Is there a general rule of thumb to avoid orphan nodes? I'm using a
multiselect plugin which I'd like to be able to remove from the DOM
but it is creating orphan nodes in IE and the nodes are not removed
according to sIEve.  I suspect it is the order that the elements are
removed from the DOM, but I'm not sure.  Here is the example I'm
working from:

<script src='jquery.js'></script>
<script src="jqueryMultiSelect.js"></script>
<link href="jqueryMultiSelect.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
function Add(){
    $('#selectBin').html('<select id="control_1" name="control_1[]"
multiple="multiple" size="5">'+
                    '<option value=""></option><option
value="option_1">Option 1</option>'+
                                        '<option value="option_2">Option 
                                        '<option value="option_3">Option 
                                        '<option value="option_4">Option 
                                        '<option value="option_5">Option 
function Remove(){
<button onclick='Add()'>Add Select</button>
<button onclick='Remove()'>Remove Select</button>
<td id='selectBin'>

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