Ok I resolved the "cannot assign to a function result" problem by
putting the value assignment into a "function(){}":

48  $("td.mychkbox").each(
49    function(){
50      $(this).bind(
51        "mouseover",
52        function(){
53          if (gCheckedValue != null){
54            var eccomi = this;
55            var eccoti = $(eccomi).find("input:checkbox");
56*           function(){$(eccoti).attr("checked") = gCheckedValue;}
57          }
58        });
59      });

Now I don't get any errors, but the event assignments don't seem to be
working together correctly...
Basically what's supposed to happen is this:
1 - "onclick" event of the checkboxes is canceled since the clicking
and dragging is being assigned to the table cells that contain them
2 - the table cells themselves don't actually have on "onclick" event,
because the value is given to the checkboxes with the "onmousedown"
and especially the "onmouseover" event.
3 - "onmousedown" gives the variable "gCheckedValue" a value, either
of "true" or of "false" (depending on the actual state of the
checkbox, so if it is unchecked it will get checked and vice-versa),
and "onmouseup" empties "gCheckedValue" of any value. So as long as
the mouse is down, "gCheckedValue" has a value to give to any of the
checkboxes with the "onmouseover" event, but as soon as the mouse
button is released it no longer has a value so the "onmouseover" event
will no longer effect any of the checkboxes until the mousebutton is
pressed again.

So the value of "gCheckedValue" is set in the "mousedown" event, and
is transmitted in the "mouseover" event.

And yet the code doesn't seem to be working correctly. The current
value of the cell is detected correctly (I've gotten it through an
alert), it's contrary is correctly set in "gCheckedValue" (I've gotten
that through an alert too), but the new value is not being set in the
checkbox... In fact click sets no value, click and hold sets no value,
click and drag (mouseover the other checkboxes / cells) set no

On 9 Apr, 14:23, Lwangaman <donjohn.f...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I thought I'd undertake the endeavour of translating into jquery the
> neat little "click-n-drag checkboxes" functionality of cross-
> browser.com's X-library. This functionality allows for multiple
> checkbox selection or de-selection by simply clicking on one of them
> and then dragging the mouse over the others.
> I began mentioning this in another post, but I figured that perhaps a
> new post with the right title would be better. Rather than re-post all
> the code though, here's a reference to the message where the full code
> of both the X-library functions and my attempted translation of them
> is posted:
> http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/msg/0f38d747d97cf701
> I doesn't quite seem to work though, none of my checkboxes are getting
> selected either on click or on drag. Any javascript - jquery experts
> have any ideas on what needs to be perfected?
> When I run it in Internet Explorer, the debugger gives me this
> message:
> "Cannnot assign to a function result"
> and it refers to line 56, which should be the one that sets the
> selection:
> 48  $("td.mychkbox").each(
> 49    function(){
> 50      $(this).bind(
> 51        "mouseover",
> 52        function(){
> 53          if (gCheckedValue != null){
> 54            var eccomi = this;
> 55            var eccoti = $(eccomi).find("input:checkbox");
> 56*           $(eccoti).attr("checked") = gCheckedValue;
> 57          }
> 58        });
> 59      });

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