I am using the jQuery Validator plugin with ASMX Web services. I would
like not to have to use HTTP GET (for security reasons). I can
successfully use POST when directly using $.ajax, but when it comes to
the Validator plugin, I'm having a difficult time setting the
remote.data property in the rules for a specific field that is
remotely validated.

Out of the box the remote validation in the jQuery Validator plugin
uses GET, which permits setting the $.ajax.data property to an object.
This means I can assign each data object property to an anonymous
function that returns the latest values entered or selected by the
user. For example, for my phoneNumber field I can set:

                                        data: {
                                                countryId: function() { return 
$uxCountries.val(); },
                                                selectedCarrierId: function() { 
return $uxCarriers.val(); }

But for POST to work, among other changes the $.ajax.data property
must be a string formatted as json. I cannot figure out a way to
update this string after the Validator object initializes
($form.validate()) on page load. If I try to use an anonymous function
to return a string, $.ajax seems to just do a .toString() operation on
the function, returning JavaScript object type info.

Can anyone suggest a good way to set the remote.data property for POST
operations? It would be really nice if I could do something like data:
$.format("{'phoneNumber':'{0}', 'countryId':'{1}',
'selectedCarrierId':'{2}'}", $phoneNumber.val(), $countries.val(),
$selectedCarrierId.val()), and the validator would always use the
latest values, not the values at the time when the validator is

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