Hi Calvin,

One way you can simplify things is to give each of those containers (#letters-a, #letters-b, etc.) the same class -- for example, "letters". Bind a click handler to all links within element that have class="letters" Then, inside the click handler, you're going to load a file based on the last character of the container's id. To do so, first store that letter in a variable: 1. traverse up through the parent nodes until you find the element with the "letters" class
        2. grab its id. (for example "letters-a")
        3. slice the last letter of that id (e.g. "a")
When you use the load method, concatenate the variable and ".html"

This is what it might look like:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('.letters a').click(function() {
    var letter = $(this).parents('.letters')[0].id.slice(-1);
    $('#dictionary').load(letter + '.html');
    return false;

Hope that helps.


Karl Swedberg

On Apr 11, 2009, at 5:46 PM, Calvin wrote:

I have a simple index page with 3 links(with separate ids) and a empty
<div></div> tag(with an id). I am able to get content to load into the
empty div tags but I am also repeating jquery code to do so. I have
limited experience creating variables and switch/case statements and
I'm thinking that's the best way to go but can't get the code to work.

Here is the code I have so far:

 $(document).ready(function() {
   $('#letter-a a').click(function(){
     return false;

   $(document).ready(function() {
   $('#letter-b a').click(function(){
     return false;

   $(document).ready(function() {
   $('#letter-c a').click(function(){
     return false;

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