$_post sends the data which 'arrives' at your PHP page as $_POST array
elements.  That's the nature of an HTTP post action.  By indicating a
'json' datatype, the data your script returns will be expected to be
in JSON form.

On Apr 12, 7:32 am, mcologne <blueameri...@web.de> wrote:
> hi...
> i have a normal email form, where the user can send an email with some
> data...
> at first i send it with normal post (no dataType in jquery)... but it
> was difficult to handle the returning messages from php, e.g.
> validation messages or ok messages...
> therefor i tried dataType json... like the code below... now i con
> better handle the returning messages, but i wonder why i still get
> single post data in php ($_POST['name'], $_POST['email)'] etc and NO
> nested json!... is there something wrong with my data format?
> in firebug i also see only single post data... no json format when
> posting
> best regards
> m, cologne
> ##############################
> $.ajax({
>           type: "POST",
>           url: "/mail/process.php5",
>           data: {"name":name, "email":email, "message":message, "n":textmail,
> "i":pic},
>           dataType: "json",
>           success: function(res) {
>                   if(res.result == 1) {
>                          $('#dialog').html("<p>WE SEND THE EMAIL" +
> res.message + "</p>");
>                  }
>                  else if(res.result == 0) {
>                        $('#dialog').html("<p>ERROR" + res.message + "</p>");
>                  }

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