Sure. I translated the error messages to english so that you would
understand :)

On 13 Apr, 16:28, Jörn Zaefferer <>
> Could you post a testpage? Can't see anything wrong in the snippets
> you provided - its probably something seemingly unrelated.
> Jörn
> On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Victorr <> wrote:
> > Ok. But what do i need too echo to get a false value and an error
> > message?
> > thanks!
> > On 12 Apr, 10:37, Jörn Zaefferer <>
> > wrote:
> >> You need to echo "true" for a valid value.
> >> Jörn
> >> On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 1:02 AM, Victorr <> wrote:
> >> > I'm using CakePHP, jQuery and the validation plugin. I'm having some
> >> > problems. I'm trying to check if a email is already in use but I can't
> >> > seem to get it too work.
> >> > I'm just trying to get a error message to see that it works but I
> >> > can't seem to get it right.
> >> > Javascript:
> >> > $(document).ready(function() {
> >> >        $("#UserIndexForm").validate({
> >> >                rules: {
> >> >                        "data[User][email]": {
> >> >                                required: true,
> >> >                                email: true,
> >> >                                remote: "/"
> >> >                        },
> >> >                        "data[User][passwrd]": {
> >> >                                required: true,
> >> >                                minlength: 5
> >> >                        },
> >> >                },
> >> >                messages: {
> >> >                        "data[User][email]": {
> >> >                                required: "Du måste ange en e-post 
> >> > adress.",
> >> >                                email: "Du måste ange en giltig e-post 
> >> > adress.",
> >> >                                remote: "E-post adressen du angav är 
> >> > upptagen."
> >> >                        },
> >> >                        "data[User][passwrd]": {
> >> >                                required: "Du måste ange ett lösenord.",
> >> >                                minlength: "Ditt lösenord måste vara 
> >> > minst 5 tecken."
> >> >                        }
> >> >                }
> >> >        });
> >> > });
> >> > And the controller:
> >> >                if ($this->RequestHandler->isAjax() && 
> >> > !empty($_REQUEST['data']
> >> > ['User']['email'])) {
> >> >                        $valid = 'false';
> >> >                        echo $valid;
> >> >                }
> >> > Thanks!

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