Well, I solved the problem, but not by using getJSON. Here's the
solution, in case it's helpful to anyone else. I found a page that
lists a fourth undocumented (according to them--didn't have time to
verify) parameter of $.post(), and that is the data type.


I changed getJSON to post, specified the datatype as "json," changed
request.querystring to request.form in the asp file, and it worked. I
may never know why the other one didn't work, but thank goodness this
one is working.


On Apr 13, 4:14 pm, Kathryn <kathry...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I think I must be making an obvious mistake, but I can't see it. I'm
> trying to pass additional data to the server with getJSON, but it's
> not working.
> Here's my function:
> $(document).ready(function() {
>         $('#submit_uid').click(function() {
>           $.getJSON('pwreset_proc.asp',{check_type: 'verify_uid', uid: $
> ('#uid').val(), ajax: 'true'}, function(json){
>           alert(json);
>            });
>      });
> });
> Here's the form, with the button referenced in the click function:
> <form method="post" name="enter_uid">
> ID: <input name="uid" id="uid" type="text">
> <input name="submit_uid" id="submit_uid" type="button" value="Submit">
> </form>
> Here's the code in pwreset_proc.asp:
> dim check_type, uid
> check_type = request.QueryString("check_type")
> uid = request.QueryString("uid")
> (this is followed by an SQL query that uses the passed data)
> When I click Submit, the form just fails quietly.
> To see if the problem was in the asp page, I hard coded the variables,
> and the page works fine. So then I tried the asp code above followed
> by
> response.write(check_type)
> response.end()
> and the page came up blank. So it appears that the data is not being
> passed from the form to the asp page.
> The thing is, I have used a similar function on another page and it
> works fine. The only difference is that it's attached to the change
> event of a dropdown rather than the click event of a button. What am I
> missing???
> Thanks!
> Kathryn

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