thanks Chandan

Im using FF but I have a feeling im doing something else that is not
it's all connected to the other threads Im posting on the forum today

I need some personal assistence, here, too much code to post on the
not too likely anyone's got time to look at it

many thanks


On 15 Apr, 12:03, Chandan Luthra <> wrote:
> Which browser are you using?
> This code is working *"Completely"* on FF
> With Regards,
> Chandan Luthra
> Intelligrape Software Pvt. Ltd.
> Henny 
> Youngman<>
> - "I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit
> going
> to those places."
> On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 15:06, hybris77 <> wrote:
> > anyone. Please look at the following example, useless code since it's
> > just
> > grabbing, html and putting it back again but I need to do this and
> > more inbetween
> > my problem is that it's just not working, my browser kindof crashing,
> > not
> > completely but nearly
> >        var mol_elements = $( '#molecules_holder' ).html();
> >        $( "#molecules_holder" ).empty();
> >        $( "#molecules_holder" ).append( mol_elements );
> > /pär

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