I do not think it is due to $.ajax function. Even when using plain $
("#freediv").html(.....) it won't work.

(and I don't need json yet).

András Csányi schreef:
> 2009/4/15 Snef <sne...@gmail.com>:
> >
> > I already tried it with the $(document).ready(function(){.....}). No
> > success. :(
> And through $.getJSON()?
> At night I can send you an string what is go through json into 
> $("#foo").html();
> András
> --
> - -
> --  Csanyi Andras  -- http://sayusi.hu -- Sayusi Ando
> --  "Bízzál Istenben és tartsd szárazon a puskaport!".-- Cromwell

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