If you can find a reason why she doesn't want people to zoom I'd
appreciate it.  Other than having a personal vendetta against the
visually-impaired I can't think of a single good reason.

It's pretty much moot anyway as there's just no way to do it.  In the
bad old days of IE6 specifying font sizes in px would prevent text
zooming but that was basically due to bug that has now been fixed in

On Apr 3, 3:25 pm, "Filipe" <fil...@ideologic.com.br> wrote:
> Indeed it is perverse but, unfortunately, that's what my client asked me to 
> do. She wants to block zooming in and zooming out. I told her that it can't 
> be done, so she asked me to find a way to block the control key combination. 
> ;/
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Filipe
> To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
> Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 1:05 AM
> Subject: How to block control + plus/minus key?
> hey folks,
> how can i block control + plus/minus key on the whole page? i've tried a few 
> scripts but none of them seem to work.
> thanks in advance!
> filipe.

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