Hi, I'm new to JQuery and I have a question about checkboxes.  I have
5 checkboxes on my page and they are passed into my plug-in.  I'd like
to find out how many of them are checked in my plug-in.  The following
code works but I'm sure there is a better way to do it (especially the
part of the code that figures out the number of checkboxes checked).
Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thank you.


In my aspx page:

    // $('.category-list') returns a list of 5 checkboxes.
    $(function() {


In my plug-in:

// categoryList is a list of checkboxes.
(function($) {
  $.fn.createCategoryGroup = function(categoryList) {

    var heading = this; // This is an anchor.

    // Figure out how many checkboxes are checked when the user clicks
    // on any one of the checkboxes.
    categoryList.click(function() {

      // Figure out the number of checkboxes that are checked.
      var checkedCount = 0;
      categoryList.each(function() {
        if (this.checked) {
      }); // End of each.

      // Set the heading to a different color based on how
      // many checkboxes are checked.
      heading.css('color', checkedCount == 0 ? 'black' : 'red');
    }); // End of click.

    return this;

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