It's the order of your includes. In the first page, you're including
the validation plugin before you're including jQuery. The result is
that, when validation attempts to enter itself into the jQuery
namespace, jQuery is "undefined", so it just dies within it's

On Apr 15, 4:30 pm, Thomas Allen <> wrote:
> These two pages do the exact same thing: Apply some basic validation
> rules to a form. The only difference is that the first one includes
> the scripts in <body>, not <head>.
> 1.
> 2.
> The second one works, and the first doesn't. For some reason, the
> first site doesn't bind the validate method to jQuery.
> $.fn.validate()
> throws an exception in the console.
> What's going on, and how can I fix this problem? The file itself is
> definitely being loaded.
> Thanks,
> Thomas

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