Hi, I'm not sure if what I'm about to ask is really feasible, but
thought I'd at least try asking.

Essentially, I have a form using the JQuery Validation plugin, with a
few fields and a pretty basic set of validation rules. Nothing fancy
at all. I've set the location of form error messages using the
'errorPlacement' option, sending them to the next div from the element
in question with a class of "formwarning". It all works just fine.

The thing is, for a rule of a particular field, I'd like to have the
error message come up entirely differently - instead of just a bit of
text near the erroneous input, I'd like to have a hidden div appear,
explaining the problem, with some neat-o fading in and all of that
stuff. The problem is, I don't see any what to have the plugin do
anything different for a specific rule of a specific field.

Thanks in advance, and if anything isn't clear, please feel free to
say so and I'll clarify, or if need I can just whip up a quick example
form and whatnot to try and show what I'm trying to do.

- Mike

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