Um, powers that be, hello?

This issue remains unresolved - I still see "January 21th, 2009" as
the most recent news item, when in fact when I click the RSS feed icon
next to it I find that the latest is actually "This Week in jQuery,
vol. 4" dated 03 April 2009 15:25

Isn't it kind of important that this gets fixed ASAP, given the huge
numbers of people visiting that may also be seeing this
same incorrect information? Other people in this thread have confirmed
it's not an isolated problem, and certainly not a client-side caching

On Mar 11, 10:56 pm, MarcusT <> wrote:
> The homepage's XXXXXXXX currently shows "jQuery 1.3.1
> Released" as the most recent blog post, yet if you look at the blog
> (or RSS) there have been 6 blog posts since, including the jQuery UI
> 1.7 and jQuery 1.3.2 releases!
> Presumably there's some server-side caching going on here and it
> hasn't updated since some time between the 22nd and 29th January.
> Please fix this urgently, as many people visiting may fail
> to realise that much has happened since then!

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