I don't really understand what you want to do...
Do you want to select a DOM-Object like
<form class="example">
Then, the selector would be $("form.example").


On 16 Apr., 10:47, hybris77 <dist...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> i've tried to do the following on a grand scale the last few days,
> please help
> my suggestion to select a classname inside a object containing the
> xhtml
> $(  mol_elements ".mol_row" ).append( "<td>"+ molname +"</td>");
> I was then suggested the following, but that selects BOTH class and
> element, right?
> $( ".mol_row", mol_elements ).append( "<td>"+ molname +"</td>");
> how to select the classname inside the object then?
> /pär

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