Well, other than asking whether or not an object "has a class or
doesn't", there isn't much you can do that check each class name

so like (and this assumes your original HTML, not the separated class
name) :

var icons = ["Star", "Plus", "Left", "Right", "Up", "Down"];
$("div.button").each(function() {
      var $dv = $(this);
      $.each(icons, function() {
           if ($dv.hasClass("icon" + this)) {
                 $dv.append('<img src="Images/' + this + '.gif"
alt="" />');
                 return false;

On Apr 16, 9:08 am, jonhobbs <jon.hobbs.sm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks MorningZ, but does that dolve the problem?
> I'd still have to do a .hasClass() for each possible icon, wouldn't I?
> On Apr 16, 2:03 pm, MorningZ <morni...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > It would be MUCH easier and cleaner to separate "icon" and "Star/
> > PlusLeft/Right/Up/Down", a la:
> > <div class="button icon Star"></div>
> > <div class="button icon Plus"></div>
> > <div class="button icon Left"></div>
> > <div class="button icon Right"></div>
> > <div class="button icon Up"></div>
> > <div class="button icon Down"></div>
> > If that's possible, that seriously would make your code easier and
> > less complicated
> > On Apr 16, 8:58 am, jonhobbs <jon.hobbs.sm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > This might be hard to explain, but I need a way to loop through a
> > > bunch of elements I've already selected and for each one find classes
> > > that start with the word "icon". So for example I might have the
> > > following elements
> > > <div class="button iconStar"></div>
> > > <div class="button iconPlus"></div>
> > > <div class="button iconLeft"></div>
> > > <div class="button iconRight"></div>
> > > <div class="button iconUp"></div>
> > > <div class="button iconDown"></div>
> > > So, I begin by selecting the elements and looping through them....
> > > $(".button").each(function(){
> > >     // Some code here
> > > });
> > > Now, I could put the following code in the loop...
> > > if ($(this).hasClass("iconStar")){
> > >     $(this).append("<IMG SRC='Images/star.gif'>");
> > > }
> > > I would then have to repeat that for each possible icon, which seems
> > > very inefficient.
> > > What I'd like to do in the "each" loop is just cycle through all the
> > > classes that $(this) has and pick out the one that begins with ICON
> > > and then use that to append the image.
> > > Can anyone help?

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