I thought I already have added the [validate] tag to the subject?
Anyway, now it's done again.

On Apr 17, 12:31 pm, BalusC <bal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've a paged form with back and next buttons on each form.
> Each button invokes an ajaxSubmit() using submitHandler.
> Next button should display next form using slideUp() and slideDown().
> Back button should display previous form using slideUp() and slideDown
> ().
> Here's an example of 2nd form (step) with 2 buttons (back and next).
> [code]
> <form id="step2form">
>     <button type="submit" name="action" value="back" class="back">&lt;
> Back</button>
>     <button type="submit" name="action" value="next" class="next">Next
> &gt;</button>
> </form>
> [/code]
> jQuery
> [code]
>     $('#step2form button.back').click(function() {
>         $('#step2form').validate({
>             submitHandler: function() {
>                 $('#step2form').ajaxSubmit();
>                 $('#step1form').slideDown(500);
>                 $('#step2form').slideUp(500);
>             }
>         });
>     });
>     $('#step2form button.next').click(function() {
>         $('#step2form').validate({
>             submitHandler: function() {
>                 $('#step2form').ajaxSubmit();
>                 $('#step3form').slideDown(500);
>                 $('#step2form').slideUp(500);
>             }
>         });
>     });
> [/code]
> The code looks the same for other forms.
> Bot buttons works fine on the very first submit of the form,
> regardless which button was clicked first. But on the subsequent
> submits of the same form, the initially used submitHandler seems to be
> used instead. I.e. when 'back' was first clicked and later when you
> click 'next' on the same form, then the submitHandler set by 'back' is
> been used instead (and vice versa).
> As far as my knowledge concerns, it look like that the submitHandler
> appends the new functions to the form's submit event instead of
> overriding/replacing them. This will cause that only the first
> functions will be used until it returns false.
> Should I see this as a bug or a feature? How can I solve/workaround
> this the best way?

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