Hi all!

I'm developing an php and jQuery based grid (something like this:
http://www.phpgrid.com/grid/) for my Thesises and I want to coloring
the table row if the mouse over the row. You know, this is the minimal
visual feature what is following the users eyes...
I tried with css (<tr class="css_class with :hover">) and jQuery
(every tr tag has id and .addClasses and .removeClasses) but I
could'nt. I'm not an css and jquery magician. :$

So, I need some hints how can I do this with jquery. Or you can give
some tutorial or examples.

Appreciate yours help!


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--  Csanyi Andras  -- http://sayusi.hu -- Sayusi Ando
--  "Bízzál Istenben és tartsd szárazon a puskaport!".-- Cromwell

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