
I'm sorry. It was rude of me to assume you guys had nothing better to
do than to sort through my own code. I apologize. I had tried to
comment out every section of code to isolate the problem, but that
hadn't worked for me before. However, I realized the only section I
had not commented out was the line to initialize the lightbox ( $
('a.thumb-frame').lightBox({fixedNavigation:true}); ) . I did that,
and didn't throw the error anymore on page load. So can any of you
javascript experts see anything wrong with the syntax or is it a
compatibility issue?



On Apr 18, 10:53 am, victorg <vr.gerrit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, i have noticed you used an atrribute/value with the same name
> For example: $("a.link").animate( { color: color }, 1000);
> I think i've had issues with that in the past as well.
> Might want to try to change it into: $("a.link").animate( { color:
> color2 }, 1000);
> On Apr 18, 5:26 pm, Karl Swedberg <k...@englishrules.com> wrote:
> > Hi Connor,
> > You posted quite a lot of code for us to comb through. You might try  
> > isolating the problem by commenting out various portions of your  
> > script and see if the uncommented portions still work. Also, see if IE  
> > is throwing an error. There's a setting that you can switch to have IE  
> > automatically open a dialog when there is a js error. Otherwise, it  
> > just puts a little warning icon in the bottom left of the status bar.
> > Since you're animating the color property, I'm guessing that you're  
> > using either a color plugin or jQuery UI effects. If it's the latter,  
> > you'll have more success getting an answer on the jquery-ui Google  
> > Group.
> > --Karl
> > ____________
> > Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com
> > On Apr 18, 2009, at 10:40 AM, Connor wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I've learned jQuery & javascript pretty recently. That being said, I'm
> > > not entirely confident in my syntax. I've just recently completed some
> > > jQuery and it works perfectly in all browsers except IE6. I'm guessing
> > > because IE6 is more strict. Anyways, would anyone mind looking through
> > > this piece of jQuery, and verify that I'm writing everything
> > > correctly?
> > > For a demo, you can go tohttp://cyberantix.org/demo/portfolio/index.html
> > > Or my javascrip (I'm using the color and cookie plugin):
> > > $(function() {
> > >    /*Overwrites the CSS that is written incase JS is disabled*/
> > >    $(".color-changer").show();
> > >    $(".thick").css("margin-bottom", "0px");
> > >    /*Sets cookie information */
> > >    COOKIE_NAME = 'color';
> > >    options = { path: '/', expires: 20 };
> > >    /* If there is a cookie for the color, it assigns it to a variable
> > > here */
> > >    color = $.cookie(COOKIE_NAME);
> > >    /*Here we change the color from the default of blue set in the CSS
> > > file, to the color that was in the cookie
> > >    If there was no color set, it will be null and revert back to the
> > > default blue*/
> > >  $(".title b").css("color", color);
> > >  $(".thick").css("backgroundColor", color);
> > >  $("a.link").css("color", color);
> > >  $("h2.sub-title b").css("color", color);
> > >  /*This is where we assign a certain color to each swatch on the page
> > > */
> > >      $("span.white").click(function(){ color = '#e6f8f2';        });
> > >      $("span.yellow").click(function(){ color = '#f8e226';       });
> > >      $("span.orange").click(function(){ color = '#f88e39';       });
> > >      $("span.pink").click(function(){ color = '#f859e3'; });
> > >      $("span.red").click(function(){ color = '#f81631';  });
> > >      $("span.green").click(function(){ color = '#43f831';        });
> > >      $("span.blue").click(function(){ color = '#34a6d3'; });
> > >    /*This is creating the fade in and fade out affect  of the top links
> > > */
> > >  $(".top-links a").mouseover(function(){
> > >            $(this).css("color", "#bdbcc0" );
> > >            $(this).animate( { color: color }, 300);
> > >    }).mouseout(function(){
> > >            $(this).animate( { color: "#bdbcc0" }, 300);
> > >    });
> > >    /*This creates the animated transistion of color */
> > >  $(".color-changer span").click(function(){
> > >  $(".title b").animate( { color: color }, 1000);
> > >  $(".thick").animate( { backgroundColor: color }, 1000);
> > >  $("a.link").animate( { color: color }, 1000);
> > >  $("h2.sub-title b").animate( { color: color }, 1000);
> > >  $.cookie(COOKIE_NAME, color, options);
> > >    });
> > >    /*Color Changer Opacity Animation --IE ISSUE*/
> > >    $(".color-changer span").mouseover(function(){
> > >            $(this).animate({
> > >            opacity: 1
> > >            }, 500 );
> > >    }).mouseout(function(){
> > >            $(this).animate({
> > >        opacity: .5
> > >      }, 500 );
> > >    });
> > >    /*Project Image Direction Opacity Animation*/
> > >     $(".project-image").mouseover(function(){
> > >            $(this).siblings(".image-hover").animate({
> > >        opacity: .5
> > >      }, 500 );
> > >    }).mouseout(function(){
> > >            $(this).siblings(".image-hover").animate({
> > >        opacity: 0
> > >      }, 500 );
> > >    });
> > >     /* Expansion & Contraction of project slides */
> > >     $(".project-image").click(function(){
> > >            var stateTest = $(this).parent().css('width');
> > >            var valueState = parseFloat(stateTest);
> > >                    if (valueState < 300) {
> > >                            $(".project").animate({
> > >                            width: "250px"
> > >                            }, 500 );
> > >                            $(".project-specs").hide();
> > >                            $(this).siblings(".project-specs").show();
> > >                            $(this).parent().animate({
> > >                            width: "510px"
> > >                            }, 500 );
> > >                    }
> > >                    else{
> > >                            $(this).parent().animate({
> > >                            width: "250px"
> > >                            }, 500 );
> > >                            $(".project-specs").hide();
> > >                    }
> > >    });
> > >     /*Gives the function to the right arrow*/
> > >     $(".right-arrow").click(function(){
> > >            var projectPositionPx = $(".project-list").css('left');
> > >            var projectPosition = parseFloat(projectPositionPx);
> > >            var projectNumber = $('.project').size();
> > >            var projectWidth = 260*projectNumber;
> > >            if ( !$(".project-list").is(':animated') ) {
> > >            if (projectWidth + projectPosition > 300){
> > >                    var desiredPosition = projectPosition - 260 +"px";
> > >                    $(".project-list").animate({
> > >                            left: desiredPosition
> > >                    }, 1000);
> > >            }
> > >            }
> > >    });
> > >      /*Gives the function to the left arrow*/
> > >     $(".left-arrow").click(function(){
> > >            var projectPositionPx = $(".project-list").css('left');
> > >            var projectPosition = parseFloat(projectPositionPx);
> > >            var projectNumber = $('.project').size();
> > >            var projectWidth = 260*projectNumber;
> > >            if ( !$(".project-list").is(':animated') ) {
> > >            if (projectPosition < -259){
> > >                    var desiredPosition = projectPosition + 260 +"px";
> > >                    $(".project-list").animate({
> > >                            left: desiredPosition
> > >                    }, 1000);
> > >            }
> > >            }
> > >    });
> > >     /*Lets the frame in the galery page activate the lightbox */
> > >     $('a.thumb-frame').lightBox({fixedNavigation:true});
> > > });
> > > Thanks a ton,
> > > Connor

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