Um, I have no idea what all that is for, but append already does
exactly what you're asking: it appends html as the last child of the

$('p').append('<a href="";>Remember Me?</a>');

On Apr 19, 12:38 am, Josh Powell <> wrote:
> Below is the call and where the code passed into the call would place
> the content.
> $('#aP').before();
> <p id="aP">
> $('#aP').prepend();
> lorem ipsim dolor sit amet...
> $('#aP').append();
> </p>
> $('#aP').after();
> On Apr 18, 11:49 pm, MauiMan2 <> wrote:
> > Does jQuery provide a way to append an element immediately before the
> > closing tag of another element? For instance, say I have the following
> > paragraph element:
> > <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean
> > adipiscing gravida leo. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus
> > auctor odio id ligula. Morbi in risus et nulla vehicula blandit.
> > Quisque varius, enim eget interdum cursus, risus est auctor nisi, vel
> > laoreet magna orci ac neque.</p>
> > But that I would like to add a link in right before the end to obtain
> > this:
> > <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean
> > adipiscing gravida leo. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus
> > auctor odio id ligula. Morbi in risus et nulla vehicula blandit.
> > Quisque varius, enim eget interdum cursus, risus est auctor nisi, vel
> > laoreet magna orci ac neque.<a href="";>Remember
> > Me?</a></p>
> > Is there a way to do that? If not, is it possible to make a plugin for
> > that?

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