I am having problems with my jquery under firefox on mac os.
i have read some thing about unused js with mac and ie but i dont see
what is wrong.
one of my problems is a search component i made that submits and loads
with jquery ajax. it works fine with eveyrthing but on mac os the
results fall to the bottom of the page, the url is here:

another problem i am having under mac os is where i am rebuilding
links on a page to rewrite them for a web based torrent client. the
orginal links are a link to the file and i am prepending and appending
the rst of the url to go to bitlet and load a web based torrent
client. again it works fine with everything but mac os and ff under
mac os. the link is here

i am stuck and trying to get a mac os applicance to check it out myself
(as these problems are reported to me, i dont have mac os)
but was wondering if nayone could see anything obvious that i am
any comments or criticism is appreciated, thanks

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