Hello folks,

I'm getting an IE-only error (IE6/7) on a page for which I cannot find a solution. IE reports an error (Unexpected call to method or property access) at line 12. The Script Debugger is pointing to "this.appendChild(E) " in jquery (v1.3.2 rev. 6246).

The context of the code is below - IE chokes at the line indicated. I have loaded the json field 'doeditor' with nothing and with simple text and the error is still thrown, so I don't believe it is anything in the field per se that is causing the problem.

Any directions gratefully accepted.


function showResponse(json) {
if (json.fields) {
for (var i = 0; i < json.fields.length; i++) {
var field = json.fields[i];
switch(field.zone) {
case "newtext":
switch(field.yesno) {
case "Y":
-->   $("#editorbox").html(field.doeditor).fadeIn(500);
         $("#editor > ul").tabs({fxFade: true, fxSpeed: "fast",selected: 1});
$("a.showarchive").bind("click",function(){getArchive(this.id);return false});
var options = {dataType: 'json', beforeSubmit: showRequest,success: showResponse}; $('#editor_form').submit(function() {tinyMCE.triggerSave();$(this).ajaxSubmit(options);return false;});
case "N":

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