Figured this out - the problem wasn't jquery or hover and/or fadeTo,
rather the infamous IE Guillotine Bug. More info and how to fix
located here:


On Apr 20, 2:09 pm, Jonathan <> wrote:
> Anyone come across something like this before?
> I understand it's easy enough to keep IE 6/7 from implementing the
> script --  if($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 8) return; -- but
> I'd like to get IE working with this if possible.
> On Apr 20, 1:02 am, Jonathan <> wrote:
> > Sorry, forgot to include a link. You can see the IE bug here:
> >
> > On Apr 19, 10:46 pm, Jonathan <> wrote:
> > > I'm using jquery to add a smooth fade effect when users mouse over a
> > > menu item. The site has split navigation, with this effect applied to
> > > all menu items on the page. Hovering over the main top navigation
> > > works fine, but hovering of menu items in the second and third level
> > > split menu (IE 7) causes the content area to shorten by about 50px. In
> > > IE 6, the page displays properly until the script is applied, then the
> > > content area is automatically shortened by about 50px (before the user
> > > hovers over the secondary menus).
> > > Would appreciate any pointers on how to fix this issue. Google
> > > searches have yielded very little about this - the closest thing I've
> > > come across is an offsetWidth bug that doesn't quite fit the problem
> > > I'm having, and the solution doesn't work in my case.
> > > Many thanks~
> > > Jonathan

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