Just bumping this from the weekend
Again, Thanks

On Apr 19, 9:16 am, Geoffrey <geoffreykjqu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> $.live and Live Query are both wonderful. I am hoping to put them to
> extensive use in my projects.
> I have a few questions about $.live and Live Query and their effect on
> performance.
> Background: If I recall correctly, the original release of Live Query
> could have some performance problems. I don't remember if things
> bogged down when the DOM had a lot of elements, when you added a large
> number of Live Query events, did a lot of updating or exactly what.
> Question 1:
> What were the specific concerns around performance with the 1.0.x
> releases of Live Query?
> Now with jquey 1.3, there is $.live. $.live does not do everything
> that Live Query does, but does do some of it.
> Question 2:
> Does $.live use a different technique for handling events than Live
> Query?
> Question 2a:
> If it is different, are there any performance concerns using $.live
> like there used to be with Live Query?
> Live Query 1.1.x requires jquery 1.3. I am guessing that the new
> version uses $.live internally.
> Question 3a:
> Is the performance of Live Query better in the 1.1.x version?
> Question 3b:
> Are there some selectors that have better performance than others? or
> to say it another way, do all of the selectors perform the same or,
> for example, does
> $('input').livequery('click', function() { });
> perform better than
> $('input').livequery('change', function() { });?
> Using $.live or Live Query.
> Question 4:
> Is there any difference in performce between using
> $('input').livequery('click', function() { });
> vs
> $("input").live("click", function(){ });?
> I am thinking of really diving in to using $.live and/or Live Query. I
> am trying to get a complete understanding of all of the issues that
> may arise.
> Thanks
> -Geoff

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