Hi everyone,

I'm getting in trouble with this problem,

I have several divs which contains an image, and another div. we can
imagine somethin like that :

<div class="container">
         <div class="img">...my image...</div>
         <div class="delete">delete</div>


What I want to do is, when I put the mouse over the div Delete (and
only this one), I want to change the background of the
entire .container div.

here is my code :

              //action when the mouse is over :

                $(".delete").mouseover(function(){ // I select the .delete divs.
                        //now i want to change the bg color of the
entire div, but only this div. here is my problem
                  //with this selection, I select ALL the parents,but
I want only the father..

//action when the mouse is out


Your help would be very greatful.

Thank you very much in advance.

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