Thank you for your help it works fine :)

My script is :
<script type="text/javascript">
$.getJSON("countries.jsp", function (json) {
$.each(json,function(i,obj) {
var countries = '<tr><td><strong>Countrie:</strong>' + obj.libelle +
'</td><td><a href="#" id="' + obj.paysId + '" class="delete"><img

$('#addhere').append(countries); });


As you mentioned I have added a delete image in front of  each
country  to  give the user the possibility to delete it from the DB
but it does not work .
  <script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {

I have tried  to delete  a country that I have added    manually
(<tr><td><strong>Countrie:</strong>Germany</td><td><a href="#" id="29"
class="delete"><img src="delete.png"></a></td></tr>) it works !!
Thanks for any help!

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