MorningZ and Ignacio, Thanks so much for the examples.  Both helped me
understand .end() better.

I have a couple additional questions to solidfy my understanding.

Is this example,
mainly where you see .end() being used?  For when you want to attach
different property settings to elements within the same container?

In the example provided on the page I was viewing,
    $("a").filter(".clickme").click(function(){ alert("You are now
leaving the site."); }).end()
can you describe what .end() is doing?  There isn't anything in the
chain after that point, and I'm not sure what it would be backing up

Thanks again.

On Apr 22, 1:28 pm, Ignacio Cortorreal <> wrote:
> if you do something like:
> $("div").find("span").css('background':'red').end().css('background':'green­');
> spans will be red, and  the divs will be green.
> .end() reset the chain to the first selector
> On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 2:05 PM, MorningZ <> wrote:
> > Say you have the html of
> > <div>
> >    <span>One</span>
> >    <span>Two</span>
> >    <span>Three</span>
> > </div>
> > and say:
> > var $obj = $("div");
> > your jQuery object, $obj, will be just the <div> tag
> > Now if you say
> > var $obj = $("div").find("span");
> > that would first be an object representing the <div> and the ".find()"
> > makes it be an object of the 3 <span> tags
> > If the statement was (and granted this doesn't make sense, but just an
> > example)
> > var $obj = $("div").find("span").end();
> > that would be just the <div> tag again....  although walking through
> > the selector, $obj would have been the <div>, then would have
> > represented the "found" <span> tags, called ".end()" backs off the
> > ".find()" and goes back to the div
> > thinking of the chained command like a deck of cards helps :-)
> > On Apr 22, 12:41 pm, JKippes <> wrote:
> > > Please reference, the
> > > Chainability segment.
> > > I'm confused on the given description of .end():
> > > You can take this even further, by adding or removing elements from
> > > the selection, modifying those elements and then reverting to the old
> > > selection, for example:
> > > $("a")
> > >    .filter(".clickme")
> > >      .click(function(){
> > >        alert("You are now leaving the site.");
> > >      })
> > >    .end()
> > > <a href=""; class="clickme">I give a message when you
> > > leave</a>
> > > Methods that modify the jQuery selection and can be undone with end(),
> > > are the following:
> > > add(),
> > > children(),
> > > eq(),
> > > filter(),
> > > find(),
> > > next(),
> > > not(),
> > > parent(),
> > > parents(),
> > > siblings() and
> > > slice().
> > > What does reverting and undone mean here?  When I run the code, the
> > > link click event runs the alert, I hit Ok, and it passes me to
> > > Google.  So the words reverting and undone confuse me, as I would take
> > > this to mean the modified click event would be "undone" and never
> > > executed.   So what does .end() really do?  A friend thinks it could
> > > be a chain terminator, though he never uses it.  Is it just a cleanup
> > > thing part of good practice and not technically needed?
> > > Thanks for educating a real jQuery beginner.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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