Typically you'd only echo the data back that you want instead of
having to weed through a string of HTML data to extract what you need.
>From what it looks like, you're needing a specific element from
another page while still being able to access the other page
(temp.php) in its entirety. The easiest solution in this case would be
to send some data to temp.php letting it know that you're initializing
an asynchronous request, and then have the PHP return only what you're
looking for. A quick solution in this case would be something like

$.ajax({url: 'temp.php',
            data: "ajax=true",
            cache: false,
            error:  function(msg) {alert("Error Saved: " + msg);},
            success: function(msg) {alert("Data Saved: " + msg);},
            complete: function() {$.unblockUI();}
Then in temp.php, check for this flag, and if it's true, send the
header2 div only.

$header2 = '<div id="header2"><p>Some text in header2 ...</p></div>';
if ($_GET[ajax])
{ ?>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
 <title>Test file</title>
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
 <div id="header"><p>Some text in div header</p></div>
 $id = isset($_GET["ID"]) ? $_GET["ID"] : "";
 $number = isset($_GET["NUMBER"]) ? $_GET["LOT_NUMBER"] : "";
 echo "<p><b>id =</b>" . $id . "</p>";
 echo "<p>number = " . $number . "</p>";
echo $header2;
<?php } else { echo $header2; } ?>

However ideally you'd use a separate PHP function or file altogether
to handle it.

On Apr 22, 8:21 pm, Colonel <tcolo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I know it. But how I can get content from remote file by $.ajax?
> For example I have some file temp.php:
> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
> <html>
> <head>
>  <title>Test file</title>
>  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
> charset=windows-1251">
> </head>
> <body>
>  <div id="header"><p>Some text in div header</p></div>
>  <?
>  $id = isset($_GET["ID"]) ? $_GET["ID"] : "";
>  $number = isset($_GET["NUMBER"]) ? $_GET["LOT_NUMBER"] : "";
>  echo "<p><b>id =</b>" . $id . "</p>";
>  echo "<p>number = " . $number . "</p>";
>  ?>
> <div id="header2"><p>Some text in header2 ...</p></div>
> </body>
> </html>
> and Am using $.ajax:
> $.ajax({url: 'temp.php',
>             cache: false,
>             error:  function(msg) {alert("Error Saved: " + msg);},
>             success: function(msg) {alert("Data Saved: " + msg);},
>             complete: function() {$.unblockUI();}
>            });
> how I can get for example content only from div with id=header2 ?
> On 23 апр, 01:55, Shane Riley <shanerileydoti...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > You can use a number of Ajax functions built in to JQuery depending on
> > your specific needs. Check them out athttp://docs.jquery.com/Ajax. If
> > all you're looking to do is insert one file into another, load is
> > normally the way to go, unless you're looking to place the loaded file
> > before, after, or in between elements rather than inside a placeholder
> > element.
> > On Apr 22, 5:50 pm, Colonel <tcolo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Is there another way load HTML from a remote file and inject it into
> > > the DOM (instead of $.load)?

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